Tuesday, June 17, 2008

No help for the country, Senate is on wrong boat.

Getting America on the right course is evidently not the job of our wonderful Senate, the winner of our Dunce award. It seems that basically we will help the builders that have plundered profits for 5 to 7 years from southern California, Arizona and Nevada with tax breaks and covering of some of there bad paper. To pay for this the Senate Republicans, for the second time in a week, blocked a tax measure to renew dozens of tax breaks, including a business research credit and incentives to develop wind, solar and other renewable energy sources. Could we get some one to ask "What can we do for our Country?" and get the ball rolling in the right direction.

This is ridiculous. Crude oil for July delivery fell 60 cents to settle at $134.01 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange at 3:04 p.m., after touching a record $139.89 yesterday. Everyone is saying it is going down after reaching these highs but guess what? This is the break through price I warned about last year, from here $150 is just a few days away.

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