Day trading course - The S&P 500, DJ transports and a few other indexes are lookig at a major decision point in the Market.
Greece is gradually being ignored because of the size and turmoil we are seeing in the European banking community over Italy. Spain is also in the line up for a drubbing as they realize that the basis for real estate loans is whether you have money or contacts. The appraisal system is almost non existent. China also is being quite as today we have learned that their mythical reserves are exactly that " a myth" and won't be issuing money to the EU or the IMF to bail out Italy and Greece. The European central bank could be warming up the printing presses as Italy agrees but does not commit to taking any actions. Just a reminder, it took Greece almost a year to impose their Austerity measures on the country and their opinion now is that it is too late, so the hair cutting party could be on.Day Trading Course focuses on key support and resistnace levels and teaches how to see the direction in the market to make profits.
day trading course