Facebook stock or as professional traders look at it Fadebook. How to get Facebook stock at 50% off.
First of all, this past month I have been asked by numerous traders, investors, and Facebook users if I am going to buy Facebook Stock FB and and what price am I looking for it to go to. My answer has been typically - 50% off the IPO price. Now please consider what we are buying. Facebook, is a huge internet presence with many, many, many users. Problem is that even with all these users, they have no real income. Any one in the industry knows, unless your selling a diet pill or a self help class, advertising is pretty much a dud on Facebook. Investors, (people who have to keep working to keep investing) on the other hand were not looking at the income side of the equation but on the popularity side of the equation. Sort of like the other 50% off stocks like Linkedin LNKD, Groupon GRPN and Pandora P . Just because everyone is using it, doesn't mean that it will have income, remember Myspace? Yes these are all different stocks and there are many factors unforseen that effect stock prices and price action, but if we could suspend exact and enter in to the land of about, I will show you on a few charts what could possibly happen to Facebook stock and see how professional traders could see waiting until "price settles" to buy in.day trading course